Hi Guys
Wow I have to be honest, when I started ordering Charlie Bears I had no idea just how popular they were! But once they were instore and I saw those faces and got to touch and feel the quality I totally get it! Charlie Bears NZ are a true collectable and an heirloom gift and they bring so much joy to so many people. We have had customers instore crying as the bear they have chosen is just so perfect and meanwhile my 5 year old son has a list as long as my arm of the bears he is expecting to get haha! He's dreaming!!
Everybody has their favourite and every Charlie Bear nz is a little bit different having

been handcrafted in Thailand. What I found the most compelling about the making of the bears was that to be a fully qualified bear maker it takes 6 years! But also the fact that the fur on the faces is trimmed by hair dressers and when different coloured fur appears it is sewn in, not just part of the fabric. The lengths they go to creating true quality bears the way they used to be made is just amazing.
This years collection is called the Labyrinth and is themed around puzzles and mazes. For those of you that don't know how it works Charlie & William, the creators of Charlie Bears release the years range in January and then we release the bears available for pre order in 4 quarters, Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, July-Sept, Oct-Nov. Once they arrive we get the pre orders away and then the balance goes to the store and will come off pre-order online. You will note when you look at the

bears online the title will say PRE ORDER and Q1/2/3/4 showing you the estimated time of arrival. We currently have orders right through to quarter 4.
Currently we have almost completed deliveries for quarter 1 and are starting to get quarter 2. I have to admit when I am in the shop and new bears come in there are some that just win your heart immediately! My latest fave is Michal, to me he is the sweetest little Charlie Bear I have seen. Now he might just be one Charlie Bear that comes home for my boy cos' I just think hes adorable.
Are you a Charlie Bears collector? We have the most extensive range in NZ so do take a look at what we have an if you subscribe to our newsletter you'll get updates about what bears have arrived and what bears are due in soon.
Enjoy! There's always room for one more bear xx